I LOVE Christmas time. It's not just the gifts that people give me, but it's more about people's attitude during this time of the year. Everyone seems so happy around the holidays. People don't seem to let "little" things bother them as much. People always have a smile on their face and a bounce in their step. Everyone gets together around the holidays so you get to see all your extended families. And everything is always decorated so pretty with Christmas decorations. Christmas decorations will make even the ugliest of houses look wonderful.
Sooo, last night John and I set up our Christmas tree!
Our family portrait. John set the camera on a dinner tray and used the timer function... Didn't he do a good job! Zerbie was so sleepy, she wouldn't even sit up, she just kept laying on me, almost pushing me over.
I love it! Your first Christmas as Mr. and Mrs., I think I'm going to cry (sniff, sniff). There's nothing like Christmas with your husband and child (lol). Love the pictures!!!
What a cute family! :)
OMG Zerbie is SOOOOOOOOO cute!!!!!
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