Monday, November 26, 2007

Fun at the Garden

For Thanksgiving, John and I went down to Louisiana to spend some time with his extended family. On Friday evening we decided to go out to the garden. The garden is where John's grandmother grew up and where they started to raise their family. Their house has since burned down, but the land is still full of memories for his entire family.
If you look closely at the tree, you can see bullet holes. This was the "target" tree they used when they shot guns with their Grandpa.

There are "grape vines" that grow from many of the trees. They pull/cut the vines down and make wreaths with them. (That's why John has the machette in his hand.)Since don't have a wreath from the garden, this was the perfect reason to make one.
John had all the hard jobs, some of the vines were stuck in the tree pretty good.

On the way back to Grandma Weaver's house we stopped at a Christmas Tree farm to get her a tree... but they all had flimsy branches so we went home with just this cute picture.


Katy said...

That sounds like fun! I can't wait to see the wreath you make! :)

Mrs. Nateq said...

How fun!!!