Monday, November 26, 2007

The Write Plate

I've been busy working a couple of craft shows selling some plates for a company out of Dallas, TX. Several of my friends asked me to put some pictures of them on my site so here they are.

The great thing about these plates is this is all the same plate! (Well, the Santa hat plate is actually my large platter, but you get the idea). You just write on these plates with a dry erase marker, coordinate the ribbon, and you have a brand new plate. Catherine (the lady who owns the company) is a genius. If you want to get your own plate you can go to

Here is my Thanksgiving plate.

Here is my plate at work. This is what's on it right now.

This is my plate at home... Nothing says Christmas like a countdown. :)

The Nativity Plate.


Sarah said...

Love the plates! They are adorable!

CB said...

UBER CUTE!! are the little ornaments (ie turkey, snowman, santa hat) glued on or magnetic?

Nina said...

They are stuck on with poster putty so it doesn't damage the plate at all.